Thursday, December 18, 2008


True friendship is a gift.
Oh so precious and so rare
Sometimes we take it for granted
Sometimes we do despair
Our fault is being human
Mistakes are everywhere
Please let me not lose the gift
That is so precious and so rare

Forgive me, that's my attitude and personality.
Hope our friendship forever!!!


  1. haiz...if true friendship,then wont blame u! just like me! u know? stay well,big stupid elephant

  2. yea...good elephant...

    the words FRIENDSHIP FOREVER come from heart...
    and i believe, U ARE the FOREVER-FRIEND :)

  3. your attidute got problem meh? still ok la. at least not making us angry at you. if true friend will know you. like what the short kid said. wahahha. gambateh, big elephant.
