Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Chi Cheong Street
Things going fast, I went to there to meet my one of ks friend. He was a small boss of handbag shop. He accompany me to 'search food' around there, unlucky thing was all he want to bring me to eat all close. Its sound sad and bad luck to me. Dont know why so bad luck to us.....Haiz...Finally, we ate at one food stall where just renovated recently.
After that, i visited to his handbag shop while he so busy to deal with customer in his shop. He seem very pro to me, not like i knew him before. He changed a lot...He can be a good and rich boss... Some of my friends asked him when he want to start find a related-job career coz he graduated half an year already. I never asked him..coz i know one thing from my parent..That was 'protect career harder than create career'... Although his talent and high educated cert quite wasted if not find a challenging job..but for me, he doing great as a shop owner now at chi cheong kai. Watever he choose his path, i always support him.. Gam pah teh to all my ks gangs!!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Eagle & Storm

Remember, it is not the burdens of life that weigh us down, it is how we handle them.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Happy Birthday to Sky!!!
Hope u all the best!!! And Good Luck always!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Keep In Touch
How r u all? Sorry coz long time no update blog.Pls write blog to keep in touch. I hope u all can find high salary and nice job soon. Gampateh everyone!!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
This elephant know how to dance in order to attract ppl.
Quite interesting for me.
Izzit it wan to obtain the food from us? or juz wan to entertain itself?
Or maybe he seem like me coz it look at me . He he he..
The Cask of Amontilado
Friday, December 26, 2008

VIP = very important person?
VIP = very important pet?
VIP = very important princess?
VIP = very important pal?
Jogoya need VIP card to get VIP foods..Its usual a "marketing technique" to attract more people to dine in there! (Jogoya need 12 persons to get free VIP cards,not 10 person anymore)
Pet shop got "VIP logo" shirt..Quite creative and nice shirt! (found in The curve pet shop)
There are one "VIP" in my family...She came from Singapore for celebrating christmas with us at KL..We had dinner at jogoya on 21th , we shopping and sing k at the curve on 22th, we went to sunway pyramid and midvalley on 23th, we had fantastic party at Cherry's house on 24th ..
Thanks to Cherry who was always like to threw a party. She also is the one VIP in my heart!!! Got her....anywhere anytime got party...Thanks ya!!!
Sorry to all my friends, I leave without u all in christmas.Hope u all can forgive me. Dont worry,we still got chilli dinner ...Dont forget!! U all also are VIP (Very important pal) in my heart.... : )